Fresh Water (Potable or Drinkable) Copper Repipe

Almost none of the remaining galvanized steel potable water pipe originally installed in South Bay homes and businesses can deliver a sufficient volume of water for its intended application. Additionally, old steel water pipe can pose a substantial threat in the form of catastrophic and expensive water damage. The great majority of steel water pipe in the South Bay failed years ago and has been replaced by copper. If you still have any galvanized steel pipe in your potable water system–ASAP is the time to replace it. If your copper system was originally installed under a concrete slab, it may need to be relocated within the structure. Unfortunately, copper is much more expensive than it used to be and it is not getting cheaper. When you have your repipe done, resist the temptation of going with the lowest price. The quality of the materials and workmanship will determine whether or not you end up with a system that is still functioning well when your children retire, or one that needs service or replacement again in the near future.

Fresh Water Copper Repipe

Fresh Water Copper Repipe

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